Friday 14 February 2020

Quake, Rattle and Roll

Quake, Rattle and Roll
What have you learnt about why people might die in an earthquake?
Yes, Because the unstable buildings crumble down on the people but stone and brick buildings are the most dangerous in particular because of how heavy and unsafe they are. 

Did the earthquakes themselves cause these deaths? How do you know?
No, the buildings do because the earthquakes cause the buildings to crumble on the people

What connections can you make with your own school or area? Do you
know if older buildings have been made stronger?
None. but I would think that the older buildings would crumble down but then the people would learn how to make the newer buildings stronger against earthquakes.

What was the most interesting idea for you in this book?
That one of the earthquakes were so big that the people had to evacuate the town. 

What new information have you learnt?

That it’s not the earthquakes which cause the deaths it’s the buildings.

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