Friday 21 February 2020

An Exciting Moment Recount

An Exciting Moment Recount

Roald Dahl
WALHT: write the body of a text
using paragraphs.
Self Assessment

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I have 1 idea per paragraph.

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I have 4-5 sentences of supporting detail in each paragraph.

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I have used different sentence starters.
๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒ
I have AT LEAST 3 paragraphs.
๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒ

Sisters Birthday

I was so excited! It was my Sister's Birthday today. She was deciding where we would go for dinner while my brother and I were shouting at Her to choose McDonald’s. “Can we go to The Wrap?” said my sister Danielle “no!” shouted me and my brother in a disappointed voice.

Then we all hopped in the truck and started driving to the wrap while my Brother and I again were moaning since we couldn’t go to McDonald’s. But my Sister was so over me and my brother moaning that she said that we can just go to McDonald’s. “So are we going to The Wrap or McDonalds,” said my Dad “McDonalds!” my brother shouted.

At McDonald’s, Dad asked us what we were having and we were all having our usual Me, Mum and Dad were having Big Macs, my sister was having a Wrap and my brother was having Chicken nuggets. It was so delicious, I was so right about going to McDonald’s.

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