Wednesday 25 September 2019

The no title story

The no title story

In a galaxy far far away… There were two Bunnies. On the planet, mars searching
for a place to plant their carrots but it keeps on having meteor showers.
And then their arch enemy launched snakes to planet mars. ‘’Oh no’’ said Bunny one Darth potty head has launched the snakes to kill us. ‘’We should probably hide’’ said bunny two ‘’yep’’. So the two bunnies set off into a giant cornfield. Meanwhile in Darth potty heads base A.K.A his top-secret Barbie dream house. Okay okay, it’s a barbie dream house everybody had the same feeling it just lasted a little longer on him let's just get back to the story. Back at planet mars Bunny one and two just got out of the giant cornfield. ‘’Watch out!’’ oh no they have got us surrounded’’ said bunny two. Could this be the end of your friends bunny one and two, then suddenly… A mole called cole dug a hole around the bunnies and save their lives. ‘’Thanks u saved us’’ ‘’no problem’’ said Cole ‘’follow me’’ so the two bunnies followed cole through the hole. (5 hours later) They finally found the end of the hole. Then they ended up in Darth potty heads Barbie dream house. Did they come out of Darth potty heads pink toilet with pink toilet water? As they climbed out they saw Darth potty head in the pink shower singing into a pink microphone singing (the Barbie theme song). To be continued      

project day

Success Criteria Self Assessment

I will use similes 😑😑

I will use alliteration 😐😐

I will use adverbs 😎😎😎

Project day
One bright and sunny day. Room 2 was on the mat waiting for miss Aperahama to finish explaining the rules we couldn’t wait! Finally, she finished explaining the rules. Then we all Zoomed out of class fighting like a pack of wolves over what piece of meat they wanted but instead, it was materials for what we wanted and needed to use in their project. Then as slow as a slimy slippery slug I was trying to get inside. Once I got inside I started helping the hacky sack group we made a GIANT mess it was on the floor through people's desks and some people were eating the rice. Some of my friends were bored and had nothing to do so they started playing prodigy, once the hacky group were finished I raced outside asking every group most of the groups said yes but one it was the mud kitchen they said no go away so I helped the groups I mostly helped the water run because it was a gigantic and hard job. Then we all finished the END.

Monday 23 September 2019

Chinese Language week

A brisk spring morning

A brisk spring morning

A brisk spring morning I woke as slow as a slug and moved lazily out bed. Then I looked out the window and saw the due dripping off the red and purple tulip’s. The leaves dancing in the wind like a ballerina. I see the trees swaying side to side like Fly Guys. What a beautiful spring morning, I see the newborn lams as white as milk munching on the wonderful green grass. What a wonderful spring morning, I hear the birds singing their beautiful melodies, what a brisk spring morning

Thursday 19 September 2019

Wednesday 18 September 2019

My calendar art

this is lady bug on a tree I have been working on it for three  days

Thursday 12 September 2019


Today I was learning about  Netiquette
I enjoyed making the background
My digital learning object shows what to do instead of starting a flame war
Next time I would change nothing

Thursday 5 September 2019

The Power of Words

Today I was learning the power of words and how it keeps you safe online
 I enjoyed using the explore tool
 I found it challenging to choose the background
 My digital learning object shows what to do if someone is cyberbullying
 Next time I would change nothing