Thursday 26 November 2020

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Art Coloring Book

 Today we learnt how to use art colouring book

I enjoyed colouring them because it was really fun.

Next time I would change my art because there are lots of cool colourings.

First, you choose what picture you want and then select the colour you would like.

Guy Fawkes

                                            Guy Fawkes

‘Boom!’ Went the firework. Today was Guy Fawkes I was inside watching YouTube but my Mum, Dad and brother were outside lighting them. My brother came running in with his earmuffs on telling me it was loud, it was obviously loud because I could hear them from inside. I decided to go outside because they were going to do the sparklers when they lite them it looked so cool it was sort of like a star on a stick after that we decided to do the last firework ' KABOOM!' it was the biggest one yet when it was in the sky it was like a colourful bomb exploded which basically happened. 30 minutes later I just went to bed because I was bored.

Monday 9 November 2020

Thank you letter


40 Campion Rd



Dear Dad

I am writing to you today to thank you for helping me when I was hurt in paintball and encouraging me in rock climbing, you have made some of my best memories with me.

One of my highlights this year was going down the flying fox for the first time. I really enjoyed zooming past all of the trees it looked super cool, but my favourite part was jumping off the platform at the start.

So thank you for Dad for giving up your precious time, to let me have the best time ever I really appreciate it. YOUR THE BEST!!

Thank you so much


Monday 2 November 2020

Remembrance Flower

Today this week was all souls day so we made two remembrance flowers.