Thursday 2 July 2020

Puppy description

Fluffy fur as white as snow.

Floppy caramel ears.

Eyes as dark as a black hole.

Teeth as sharp as knives.

Razor-sharp paws.

growl as quiet as a mouse.

Matariki Breakfast

'Yum' I said as I bitt into a succulent piece of bacon, today our classroom had a Matariki Breakfast we all had to bring something to eat.

I think... T chart

today I was learning about how to make an inference.

I enjoyed creating the slides because slides are fun to make.

next time I would change nothing.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Cuz Te Reo Translations

Today I was learning about Te Reo Translations form our story we were reading.

I enjoyed creating the slides because they are fun to watch.

next time I would change nothing.